Slow down…
come home to your nature


Relax & Unwind

Are “busy” and “stressed” your most used phrases? Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress. Whether it’s a guided nature therapy walk, body movement, immersive art or music in nature, you will find yourself slowing down and naturally, non-strivingly be in the present.


Listen & Be Listened

More often than not we busy ourselves planning what we want to say when others are speaking. Similarly when it is our turn, others do the same. We create safe, non-judgemental spaces for everyone to speak spontaneously so that we can all be present for each other. Whatever background, experience, religion/faith, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, you are all welcome and your voices are equally valuable.


Unleash the Wilder You

Human beings have spent 99% of our species’ history co-evolving with, in and as part of nature. It is fair to say that we all have a wild seed sown inside each of us. Mindfully engaging with the more-than-human nature can bring out our deepest desires, creative potential, sensuality and courage. 
